Camp Nerd: Walker Hills #1 Read online

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  “This place is something else,” I say, taking his hand and sliding more gracefully than I expected, off the horse.

  “It’s my place,” Rhett murmurs. “The only one that I can come to, and when I’m here, everyone knows not to come down. They all know to leave it to me, and it’ll always remain that way.”

  “So why are you bringing me here?” I dare to ask.

  He glances at me as he takes his hat and tosses it onto a rock. “I like you.”

  Oh boy.

  He starts unbuttoning his shirt and I watch with a mix of horror and nervous anticipation. We’re getting in? Is that what’s happening here? I swallow as he shoves his flannel shirt off his shoulders and drops it to the ground.

  I’ve seen some bodies in my time, not directly but on the television and none of them, I mean fucking none, have looked as good as the one I’m staring at right now. Rhett makes all of it mediocre in comparison. His body is thick, muscled, and strong. A worker’s body. A body that isn’t made in a gym, but out there in the real world. Muscles that are formed from riding horses and lifting hay. A real body. A body that makes you weak at the knees.

  Biceps. Abs. A chest that has my legs trembling.

  Don’t get me started on his back.

  My word.

  Am I wet?

  I’m wet.

  “Are you goin’ to get in with all your clothes on?” he asks, glancing back at me.

  “In?” I squeak. “Like in the water?”

  He grins. “That’s what I was hopin’.”

  “I don’t ... I’m not taking my clothes off.”

  His eyes drag up and down my body. “Shame.”

  He turns and drops his jeans, walking toward the water buck naked. I stare in absolute shock at the perfect ass walking away from me. He isn’t scared or shy, I mean, why would he be with a body like that? He gets into the water, ducking his head under and coming up dripping wet. I am weak at the knees. I can’t even take a step toward him, even if I wanted to.

  Is this legal?

  Wouldn’t he get into trouble for doing this with his guests?

  Not that I’m complaining, my god, I’m not.

  Not even close.

  And why would you?

  “Are you goin’ to get in or stand there starin’ all day?”

  “I ... I’m fully clothed.”

  “You could change that.”

  I swallow.

  Should I?

  Do I dare?

  I stare down at myself, wondering what underwear I wore this morning. If it’s the granny panties, I’m not getting in. I think on it and remember it is just a black bra and a pair of lacy panties. If Rhett sees what’s beneath all of this, will he laugh at me? Make a joke? I don’t know, yet I find myself reaching for my shirt all the same.

  Like I just trust that he isn’t going to judge me.

  Never in my life have I felt that way around a man that looks like Rhett.

  So why now?

  I pull my shirt up and over my head, tossing it to the ground as I make eye contact with the naked man in the water. His eyes don’t leave mine, even as I lean down and shuffle out of my jeans. When I straighten, I’m standing in nothing but my bra and panties. His eyes finally move from mine, traveling down my body.

  I don’t want to see his expression, I don’t want to know what he’s thinking, so I just rush toward the water and jump in.

  Little did I realize it would be freezing cold.

  I come up screaming as what feels like a thousand tiny pins hits all over my body. I flail around, gasping as the cold hits me.

  “What the hell?” I shriek. “You could have warned me it was freezing.”

  Rhett watches me, smirk set firmly on his face. “You didn’t ask.”

  “Are you crazy? You just got in like it was warm. You wouldn’t have any balls left it’s that cold.”

  He grins.


  I swim around until my body adjusts to the cold, and only then do I get the chance to truly enjoy the situation I’m in. The trees, the river, the rocks, the hills. It is pure perfection, it is everything you could ever want in life, and I can see why this is his place to just unwind and relax, to get away from the world. If I owned this place, this is where I’d be, too.

  “Tell me somethin’ about yourself, Lei,” Rhett says, swimming past me.

  I try not to stare at the way his biceps flex as he does.

  I’m pathetic.

  If I read that very sentence in a romance novel, I’d cringe.

  Shame on me.

  “Why should I go first?” I ask, wading backward and letting the cold water wash over me. “How about you tell me something about yourself.”

  He gives me a sideways glance. “What do you want to know?”

  “I don’t know, tell me how you got this ranch.”

  “Everyone knows how I got this ranch, been in every paper from here to New York in the last six months.”

  “That’s the paper, I want your version.”

  “Was handed down to me.”

  I snort. “Wow, so much detail. Please go on, your story is incredible.”

  His mouth twitches. “My grandfather gave me the option to buy it at a discounted rate, instead of handing it down to my father as planned. He and my father had a falling out, he didn’t want it to go the way it always had, from father to son. He wanted me to have it because he knew I’d do right by it, my father wasn’t a good man and he didn’t want to see it run to the ground, and so I bought it off him.”

  “Why didn’t he want your father to have it?”

  “Because my father is a cock head, an abusive asshole and is the reason my mother is gone.”

  I blink, shocked, and then press a hand over my mouth so I don’t look like a gaping baby bird. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be, it’s the truth. He would have destroyed this ranch and everything it stood for.”

  “I’m glad you’ve done something great with it.”

  “I had to, it’s what my mother would have wanted.”

  My eyes soften as I stare at him. “I’m really sorry to hear about what happened to your mom, that’s hard.”

  “It’s my father’s fault, another reason my grandfather didn’t want him anywhere near this place. He treated her like crap for the entire time they were together. Grew up watchin’ him act as though she was his own personal punching bag. Still, she did everything for him, tried her hardest, was the best fuckin’ mother to me. He didn’t deserve any of this after what he drove her to. She didn’t deserve the kind of love he gave her.”

  “That’s not love, Rhett, it’s abuse.”

  He studies me. “Yeah.”

  “Is your father still around?”

  Rhett shakes his head.

  “Your mom would be proud, of that I’m sure. What you’re doing for people ... it’s incredible. You’ll save many lives within these fences.”

  “That’s the plan.”

  “And what about you?”

  He looks to me, confused.

  “Is it saving you?”

  He looks away. “No savin’ me, sweetheart.”

  I think he’s wrong about that.

  So very wrong.


  Kara’s squeals of delight can be heard as she whizzes past on a jet ski. Her hair blowing backward, her face lit up with joy. It’s good to see her so happy. I’m on the banks of the lake lying on a towel, soaking up the sun in a big floppy hat. Grace and Maria are both out on a sailboat with Elias and Dante, giggling as the two men float them around.

  The guys are all hanging out on a fishing boat with Lake and Madden, apparently this lake has some good fish in it, but they don’t eat them, they always throw them back. Those are the rules according to Enzo, who is currently showing Emily how to kayak. It’s heaven, no doubt about it, my soul is slowly but surely relaxing into this paradise.

  “Hi there.”

  I turn to see two girls approaching me.
r />   They’re the most beautiful women I’ve had the pleasure of seeing in my life, and I can’t help but stare in awe at their utter beauty. One of them has the longest, curliest, most gorgeous dark hair I’ve ever seen accompanied by green eyes and boobs to die for. The girl by her side is equally as gorgeous, with her beautiful skin, dark unruly hair, and almond-shaped eyes. They’re just stunning.

  “Oh, hey,” I say, giving them a little wave.

  “You must be part of the first group out here, I’m Gabby, I’m a friend of Rhett’s. This is Maggie, also a friend. We just wanted to come and check it all out now it’s up and running.”

  Of course they’re friends of Rhett, they’re gorgeous. These are the kind of girls I can see him with, they’re so beautiful it almost hurts to look at them.

  “I’m Lei.” I smile. “We’re all part of an orchestra.”

  “Wow,” Gabby says, eyes wide. “That’s incredible.”

  I give her a shy smile.


  I look to see Rhett walking toward the two girls. When he reaches them, he stretches his arms out for Gabby as if she’s the love of his life and pulls her close, hugging her and pressing a kiss to her temple. Oh my. He gives Maggie a nod, and the way he looks at her tells me the two of them have history, it’s something about the awkward glance and the way the two of them seem hesitant.

  Hell, I wonder if they all have history.

  My cheeks burn with shame over the fact that I thought, even for a second, that I’d ever have a chance with a man like Rhett. I mean, look at these girls. They’re utter perfection. Such beauty.

  “How are you, Rhett? You didn’t answer when I called last night,” Gabby says, shoving at him playfully. “When I call, you answer ...”

  He gives her a look. “Fairly certain I call you plenty and you don’t answer, and I was busy, got my first crowd.”

  She smiles. “I see that, we just met Lei.”

  Rhett looks at me, and I blush, glancing away.

  “Don’t listen to anything they tell you, sweetheart,” Rhett murmurs. “None of it is true. Gabby is my best friend, but she’s a big fuckin’ liar.”

  Gabby scoffs and shoves him again. “I am not! Everything I tell you about his devil will be the truth.”

  I laugh softly. “I can’t wait to hear all the stories.”

  “What’re you doin’ out here anyway? I thought you swore you weren’t comin’ out again after what happened with the cows,” Rhett asks Gabby.

  She glares at him. “You and your cows. They’re horrible. Don’t get me started on the horses.”

  “I can attest to the horses,” I point out, raising a hand. “I got thrown off Porky. I don’t know why you would call a horse Porky and expect him to do any less than throw people off his back. The poor thing has a complex.”

  Gabby laughs. “I like her, she understands me.”

  Rhett grins, his eyes moving to me. “I gotta go and make sure Emanuel is organizing lunch without chatting up the cook and forgettin’.”

  Rhett gives Gabby another hug and then he’s gone.

  “Well,” Gabby says, flopping down beside me on the towel, “I’m going to need to know what you’ve done to my best friend.”

  I blink, confused. “Pardon me?”

  “I have to know, too,” Maggie says. “The few times I was with Rhett, I never saw him grin. Not once. He’s like a stone wall. And sweetheart ... damn, girl, what did you do to him?”

  I’m not sure what they’re getting at. I give them a confused expression.

  “Well, he is running a retreat. It wouldn’t be very successful if he didn’t learn how to smile for the guests,” I offer up, lamely.

  It’s the best I’ve got.

  I don’t know Rhett well enough to comment, but he has been good to me and seemingly always up to offer a grin. Of course, you can see the man doesn’t laugh a great deal, and he’s definitely got a wall up, but he’s open enough to letting his guests see a good side to him. I can’t fault that.

  “Honey,” Gabby says, “I’ve known Rhett nearly my entire life, he’s my very best friend in this world, I’ve seen the absolute best and worst of him, and I’ve never seen him look at a woman the way he just looked at you.”

  I shake my head again. I really don’t understand what she’s getting at. Has she seen me? Has she honestly had a good look at me? I’m not Rhett’s type; I’m so far from Rhett’s type we might as well be on a different planet. There is also the fact that he doesn’t know me, like at all.

  “I’ve only been here one day, there is no way Rhett is doing anything but being kind to me,” I point out. “He knows nothing about me. You don’t form any sort of attraction with a person that quickly. He’s being nice. That’s his job.”

  “Maybe, but whatever he sees in you, he likes,” Maggie agrees, nodding at Gabby.

  I shrug. “I think he’s running a business. Men like Rhett don’t even look twice at girls that look like me.”

  Gabby reels back, as if I’ve slapped her with my words. “What did you just say? You’re joking, right?”

  Of course a girl that looks like her is going to pull on the whole ‘oh you’re gorgeous’ bullshit. They always do, and it’s only because they’re gorgeous and have never had to live in a world where you’re less than.

  “Without being offensive, because I don’t know you and I don’t want to be rude, but of course a girl that looks like you wouldn’t understand ...”

  Gabby glances at Maggie, then she shuffles closer to me. “I don’t know you, but let me tell you something about me. I don’t pull punches—I say it how it is and I’m honest. Am I beautiful? Yes. Are you beautiful? One hundred percent yes. I know what you’re saying though, and I’m not here to make you feel like crap. You don’t look like the typical woman you’d think a man that looks like Rhett would bring home, but that doesn’t mean you’re not absolutely, uniquely perfect.”


  I kind of like her.

  “I can see why you two are best friends,” I murmur. “It’s impossible not to like you, believe me, I just tried and failed.”

  Maggie laughs. “She has that effect on people.”

  “Seriously, though, you’re adorable, Lei. Your face is so breathtakingly innocent, it’s refreshing. I know why Rhett has taken a liking to you.”

  “He hasn’t,” I scoff. “He honestly doesn’t know me.”

  “I can guarantee he’s fixing to change that.” Gabby nudges my shoulder. “You’re on a retreat after all, why the hell wouldn’t you?”

  Because she’s wrong.

  He is just being a good host.


  Oh god, right?

  “OH GOD, IF THIS IS the food you’re offering, I’ll be back daily,” Gabby says, patting her stomach as she leans back in her chair after lunch. “I finished eating an hour ago and I’m still full.”

  Her and Maggie decided to stay and join us, which I’m glad for. They’re so easy to talk to and they’ve been telling me all about the biker club they’re with and their men, who sound like actual dreamboats.

  I’ve never met someone from a club, but I’m itching to get in there and meet them. I think it would be a great experience and an excellent use of my time here. After all, I get to stare at men on horses all day, why not throw a few men on motorcycles into the mix? I can only imagine how easily my writing will flow after that.

  “Can we go on a tour to the biker club, like some sort of excursion?” I ask Rhett with a laugh, but mostly, it’s the three wines I had with lunch.

  I get very confident when I’m drunk, and I’m certain my therapist would say that’s a problem. You know, you should be able to have fun when you’re sober and not just drunk, but a girl is a bundle of nerves and it helps. I guess I’ll be going back to therapy after this. I’ll probably need to, anyway. Especially when Porky throws me down a few more times.

  “Fuck no,” Rhett mutters, narrowing his eyes at me. “We don’t go near the
club. They don’t come near us.”

  “Oh, like some sort of turf war?”

  Gabby laughs. “That’s exactly it. They’re both big tough groups of men who can’t admit that they might have similar interests so instead pretend they’re enemies because it’s easier than admitting they might get along.”

  “That was a lot to swallow.” Kara laughs.

  “Shut it, Gab,” Rhett warns her. “You stay in your lane.”

  Gabby blows him a kiss.

  “Well, I for one wouldn’t mind going to check out this band of hotties,” I say.

  “Girl, I’ll take you. I’m sure you’ll get free time in the next month.”

  I nod enthusiastically. Rhett stares at me, as if he doesn’t love the idea.

  “All the good ones are taken, though,” Maggie says. “So you’ll have to pick a cowboy from this side if you’re wanting to settle down.”

  I laugh. “Noted.”

  “This food was wonderful,” Emily compliments. “And the day has been perfect, but I’m down for a nap.”

  “Me, too,” Kara says.

  “We should get home.” Gabby stands. “I’m taking your girl here for a trip out one of these days, I like her.”

  She’s talking to Rhett now.

  “Go home, woman,” he mutters.

  She walks over, leaning down and kissing his cheek as she hugs him from behind. “I love you.”

  “Love you,” he murmurs.

  God damn, their friendship is goals.

  Maggie gives me a hug and waves goodbye to everyone, then the two of them leave. I’m kind of bummed they go; I could very easily keep them here all day. They’re so cool, I feel like a star-struck child who has just met her idol. The joys of being a nerd. You think everyone is cooler than you.

  Rhett stands. “You up for the jet ski?”

  He’s talking to me.

  Why is he talking to me?

  I don’t ride jet skis. Has he met me? Has he seen me?

  “You’re surely not talking to me,” I say, pointing to my chest.

  “I’m talkin’ to you. You’re out here to get the full experience, are you not?”