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Alarick: King's Descendants MC #1 Page 17
Alarick: King's Descendants MC #1 Read online
Page 17
"Please keep your word on this," I beg him. "I know it'll be hard, and I know it'll break you, but just remember that it's what I want. Always remember it was my choice, and it might very well have been the last choice I had."
"You're talkin' like it's already happened, is there somethin' I don't know?"
I shake my head. "No, I've told you everything. But, as I said, it's a risky surgery, and I want to prepare you for that."
He nods, and then grabs my arm and tugs me back down. "Enough talk of that shit, come here so I can fuckin' kiss you the way I've needed to kiss you since you got back."
I go down to him, pressing my lips against his, and then I kiss him. Slowly at first, our lips moving against one another's softly, passionately, but as time flitters past, that kiss becomes more intense. Gone is the softness, and in its place, a wild type of feeling washes over us. We go from softly kissing, to devouring each other's lips, our hands moving over the body of the other, everything coming together in one beautiful moment.
"I need to be inside you," Alarick growls. "I need you."
"I need you, too," I whisper.
He presses his lips to my neck and slowly drags them down, over my throat, over my shoulders until he reaches my breasts. There, he sucks my nipples until they're aching and hard, and my pussy is throbbing desperately for him. He trails little kisses down my belly, and when he reaches my panties, he tears them off. The material makes a loud sound, and then they're flung away.
"That was savage," I giggle softly.
"They were in my way."
He presses his lips to my public bone, and I drop my head back into the pillow, just waiting, waiting for the moment his lips curl around my clit and suck, for the moment his fingers slide into my pussy and make me cum. God, I am craving those moments.
"How many men have had their lips on what's mine since you left?" he growls, the vibrations rumbling through my pussy and making it so much harder not to lose control.
"Flick," I whimper. "That doesn't matter."
"How many, Briella?"
He growls, and then his mouth drops lower, and he's diving into my pussy with a ferocity that is a little alarming. He licks and sucks, tormenting me with his mouth, and just as I'm about to reach orgasm, he pulls back.
"Wha?" I stammer, pushing up on my elbows.
"That's one moment you suffer for the first man who entered what is mine."
Oh my god.
He goes back down, bringing me to the desperate edge again. I'm thrashing and trying to arch my hips up into his mouth, desperate for him to let me cum.
"That's two," he rasps. "Two moments you suffer for the second man who entered what is mine."
"Flick," I plead.
He goes back down, and I'm going to lose my mind. I'm so tightly wound up I can't think straight. I'm moaning and whimpering, and his tongue is doing things to me that I don't ever recall it doing before.
Just as I'm about to cum, he removes his mouth again.
"There were only two, Flick!" I cry, grabbing the bed sheets tightly in my hands.
"That's for leaving me."
He puts his mouth back between my legs, and I cum so fast it's embarrassing, but the orgasm I have is unlike anything I've ever felt in my life. It's so intense that I can't smother the screams of passion that rip from my throat. My body trembles, and my back arches as he licks every shudder from my fragile body.
When I come down from what was the best high I've ever had, Flick slides up my body. His shorts are gone, I don't even remember him taking them off. His cock presses against my pussy, and I can feel his warm breath puffing against my cheeks as he leans down to brush his lips across mine.
Then he plunges inside of me.
His cock causes an intense stretching feeling, and I whimper and clutch his back as he begins to fuck me. He fucks me so damned sweet it makes my head spin. It makes my body tremble. It makes my soul feel like it's forever going to be happy in his arms. He drags his cock in and out, he captures my hands above my head, with his, and he rides my body with such precision it should be illegal.
"Flick," I whimper, feeling an orgasm creeping to the surface once more.
"I fuckin' missed you," he growls, keeping his hips moving at that perfect pace.
I find my release quickly, and it's equally as powerful as the first one. I moan Alarick's name and tighten my fingers around his hands that are still hanging onto mine. He growls with approval, and when I stop pulsing around his cock, he pulls out and flips me over.
I love the way he can throw my body around.
I love it when he goes all primal on me.
It's so damned hot.
His hands grip my ass as he positions me on my hands and knees, and with a hard slap to my left cheek, he sinks his cock in again. This time, he's fucking me for his pleasure. He drives his cock in and out of my aching pussy so hard his balls swing up to slap my clit. I whimper and grip the sheets with my fingers, feeling another orgasm rising to the surface.
Within moments, it erupts, and I call his name wildly as I drop my head into the mattress panting.
Alarick follows soon after, a feral groan filling the night. His cock pulses, and his fingers tighten on my ass.
After a moment, he pulls out, and we both end up on our backs beside one another, panting, completely satiated.
"I missed that," I whisper.
He chuckles, low and hoarse. "Dad always used to say to me, you can fuck a million women, and it'll feel great, but when you fuck the woman you love, no feeling will ever match it. He was right."
I roll to my side and prop myself up on my elbow, looking at him. "Did you mean it when you said you loved me?"
He rolls, too. His eyes meet mine, and he tells me in a low, husky tone. "I have loved you for a long fuckin' time, Briella. Even through all the hurt, nobody ever compared to you. I have never felt the way I feel with you, with anyone else. Not even close. I love you, no doubt in my mind."
My heart swells, and I whisper, "You know, I love you too, Flick."
He grins at me and then pulls me into his arms. I rest against his chest and close my eyes, feeling the fear inside my chest grow. I was scared before. I didn't want to die, but I didn't have anything to lose, either. Now, I have him, and this moment, and this feeling, and the idea that I might have limited time left to feel it, terrifies me so much more than I could have ever imagined.
"I'm scared." I say, my voice shaky.
He squeezes me tighter. "You're the strongest woman I know, Briella. Nobody is takin' you from this world without your permission, do you hear me?"
I close my eyes and breathe him in.
I'll take every moment.
Every single moment.
Just in case.
"I don't want to go," Magnolia tells me, staring at me with wide eyes.
"What?" I ask, confused. "What do you mean you don't want to go? I thought you were excited about it?"
She frowns. "I was. But, I've been talking to this guy and...he's nice, Bri. He wants to take me out on a date, and he's got all these great friends. I feel like I could settle in here..."
"What if it doesn't work out?" I question, a little disappointed.
"Then I'll come and find you."
"Are you sure about this?"
She nods. "I've thought about it a lot, and things are slowly falling into place for me again. I have some great friends and a good job. I'm happy now I'm living out of home. I think I can make something of myself."
"I can't force you to come with me, but I won't say I'm not disappointed. I don't like the idea of leaving you here..."
"I'm turning eighteen soon. I'm not a kid anymore, sis."
"I know," I exhale, "I just wanted the chance for us to do this together."
Magnolia steps forward and puts her hands on my shoulders, smiling at me. "I wanted that,
too. But, I have to figure my life out now. I can't mope around forever, I miss mom so bad some nights I can't sleep, but it only made me realize how short life really is. I want to go the path I'm being lead to go on. I hope you can respect that."
I frown, but grab my sister and pull her into my arms. "Of course I respect that," I say, squeezing her tighter. "I will always support you."
"Are you still going to leave?" she asks me, stepping back.
"Yes," I tell her. "I have to. I'm not...I'm not coping. Things are so hard around here right now. There has been so much horror, and I just need to breathe again."
"And Alarick?"
"I'm going to talk to him now. I'll tell him. Part of me kind of hopes he says he's going to come with me and we can forever be happy, but I know deep down that's not how this is going to go. Alarick is dedicated to the club, and I know he wants to take it over as soon as he can. He's not going to give it all up for me."
"You might be surprised," Magnolia shrugs. "That man adores you. You just might be surprised."
Her words give me hope, but once again, deep down, I think I already know how this is going to play out. I've told myself even if he tells me he's not coming, that I'm going to walk away and be strong. I have to do this, no matter how much it's going to hurt me to do so. I have to because right now, I'm drowning slowly, and I need to be away from all this pain.
Every single time I walk into my mother's room at the house, I see her bloodied body.
I swear, I can still smell the metallic sting in the air.
It's too much.
Being in that house is almost haunting.
"Well, I should go and see him now, I guess," I tell her. "You're sure you're not coming?"
She nods. "I'm sure."
I smile at her and then tell her I'll be back later to let her know my plans before I leave in a few days.
Then I make my way over to the club where I know Alarick will be.
I arrive, and it's super-hot out, so shading my eyes with my hand, I quickly rush inside where the air conditioning immediately cools my hot body. I swipe some sweat off my brow and look around. A few older members are lingering around the bar, their old ladies in tow, but I can't see King or any of the guys.
I walk through and wave to Franky, an old member who was around when King's father was running the club. He's got to be nearing ninety, but he just sits there, smoking away, quite happy to finish his life at the club.
"Hi Franky," I say, waving to him. "Have you seen Alarick?"
"How are you, sweetheart?" he asks, coughing as he exhales some smoke. "They're out back in the shed. Church. You can't go in there."
Right. Church. Of course.
"That's okay. I'll hang out here."
I sit on the barstool next to him and face him, smiling. "How have you been?"
Franky shrugs. "You know how it is, darlin'. Gettin' old. Shit is gettin' harder to do. One of these days, I'm goin' to keel over right here."
I frown. "Don't say that you're fighting fit."
He laughs and then coughs. "You're a sweet girl. What brings you here, anyway? You don't wanna be hangin' around with this rough bunch."
"Of course I do," I smile. "You're all my family."
"Howdy, Bri."
I look over and see another favorite of mine, old Raptor. I have no idea why everyone calls him that, maybe because he's tall and skinny and does have strangely shaped face that I suppose could resemble a Raptor? No. No way. I think there is probably another reason for his name.
I feel bad for thinking he looks like a dinosaur.
Poor guy.
"Hey Raptor," I wave.
"How're you doin', girly?"
"I'm doing okay. Getting there."
"Sorry to hear about your momma. Broke my fuckin' heart when I found out the news. We love that woman. King is broken and fucked. Been a hard few weeks."
I swallow and nod. "Yeah, I know."
I'm angry at King, but I still love everyone in this club. I can't help that. They're the family that I never had. The only people I can rely on to always be there for me. What I feel for King has nothing to do with them.
"You need anything, you give us a call, yeah?"
I smile, grateful. "Thank you."
"What're you doin' here?"
I see Alarick walking into the room, followed by King and Samson. King's eyes move to mine, but as quickly as they come in my direction, they drop and he walks off. I can't deny that King is suffering. I know he is. He loved my mother probably more than he loves his own life, so I know it's hurting him not to have her here.
I'm not a cold-hearted monster.
"I wanted to talk to you," I say, standing. "Do you have a minute?"
He nods, and we disappear into the kitchen where nobody can hear us. Once we're alone and the door is closed, I turn to him. "King doesn't look like he's doing so good."
"Would you be if the love of your life fuckin' died, and you didn't know why?"
This again.
I bite my tongue, but I want to say, of course he knows why. He has to understand why. He runs this club. He knows who his enemies are.
"Has he questioned anyone, how can he be so sure it isn't someone seeking revenge?" I ask, unable to help myself.
"We're not gettin' into this again, Briella. I've told you that there are things you don't know. I've told you your mother wasn't killed because of King. You're choosin' not to believe it."
"I just don't understand why someone would come into her house and murder her, if not to get back at the person who loves her most – King. Nothing else makes sense."
"You ever watched television in your life?" Alarick mutters. "Ever heard of random murders that make no sense, because there are fuckin' thousands of them."
"Don't be cruel, Alarick. I know there are random murders, and if King wasn't running a huge biker club well known for doing illegal things, I might consider that. Still, he is what he is, and he does what he does, and I find it hard to believe this isn't an attack against him. Especially after what I witnessed at Avi's house."
"You're never goin' to let this go, are you?" he snaps. "I'm fuckin' tired of it, Briella. You're hangin' onto somethin', and you're not letting anything else in. You want to hate my father, go right ahead. This is goin' to be my club soon, and you're either going to accept it, or you're not."
So he's going to take over the club?
I mean, I knew he was, but I kind of hoped all of this might make him change his mind.
"Is taking over the club what you want?" I ask, my voice is a little strained with hurt.
"Yes," he mutters. "Yes, it fuckin' is. It's my family and it's my blood right. This club is mine."
"And me?" I whisper.
He glances away. "I want you, Briella. You know I want you. But I want you to want this, and I know right now you don't. I get it, you've seen some fucked up shit in the last few weeks, and you're scared. I know that, I respect that, but if I don't have your trust, this won't work."
"I do trust you," I protest.
"Do you trust King?"
I clamp my mouth shut.
"Do you trust that you're never going to get hurt because of backlash from this club like you so claim?"
I have no answer to that, and he knows it.
"Then you might trust me, but you don't trust all of who I am. Without that, it won't work."
"What are you saying?" I whisper.
He steps forward. "I'm sayin' I want you. I want you here. I want us. But I'm not goin' to spend the rest of my life convincin' you that it's safe. You have to make that choice on your own, and unless you let go of this hatred towards King, you're never going to do that. Have you ever even asked him what he thinks happened? No. You just judge, and that ain't right."
I have nothing to say to that, I'm angry, but mostly I'm confused. I don't know where to go from here or what to say. Alarick wants me to be something I can't be right now. Part of the club, someone who will always stand true
by his side. While I don't have anything against the club, I can't deny that the world they're living in scares me.
I'm not sure I'm ready for it.
Alarick turns and walks out, and I watch him go knowing it'll be the last time I see him.
My heart cracks into a thousand tiny pieces, and I grip my chest, fighting back my tears. Every part of me wants to run to him and tell him everything, and yet I know there is no use. He’s angry at me, he's disappointed in me, and we're never going to agree when it comes to King. He's always going to have his dad's back, and as much as it kills me, I know I deserve someone who is going to be on my side.
No matter what.
Right now, Alarick isn't that person.
I turn and walk out of the club, trying to fight back my tears. I get into my car, and they flow forth, rolling down my cheeks as I drive back to King's place. Once there, I pack the last of my things, leave a note for King, and then drive over to Magnolia's. When I get there, she's hanging out with a few friends, laughing, looking like maybe she will just fit in here.
Me not so much.
I wave to her when she notices me standing by my car, and she comes rushing out, her eyes concerned. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, but I need to go now. I can't be here any longer."
"Alarick didn't want to go with you?" she asks, shocked.
"Alarick wants me to be part of the club and be on his side, but right now...I can't give him that. I'm broken. I need time to fix myself. I need to recreate my life. I didn't tell him I was leaving; he made it very clear how he felt. I have to do this for me."
"Where are you going to go?"
I shrug. "I don't know yet, but I'll find somewhere that makes me happy. I'll call all the time, but I can't promise I'll be back to visit. You're more than welcome to come and see me though."
She hugs me; her hold tight and desperate. "I don't want you to go, but I know you have to. I'm going to miss you so much."
"I'm going to miss you, too," I say to her, tears rolling forth again. "Please, promise me you'll take care of yourself here, and if anything happens, you'll call me right away. Remember King will always take care of you, I know we might not see eye to eye, but I also know if you're ever in trouble he will make sure you're okay. Don't be afraid to use that."